Archive for December 22nd, 2010

Obit watch.

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

Well covered elsewhere, but for the sake of the record, Steve Landesberg. Yeah, I liked Dietrich better than any of the other guys (except maybe Nick Yemana).

Also: “Old Man” is dead at the age of 32.

Born in Kenya, he lived an active life — including siring offspring — until early Thanksgiving morning, when his body was discovered in a lab at the Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies on the campus of the Texas Research Park in Bexar County.

A naked mole rat, Old Man was believed to be 32.

If you haven’t seen Fast, Cheap & Out of Control, it’d make a fun night of viewing. It isn’t my favorite Errol Morris documentary, but it is one of the best naked mole rat/lion training/robotics/topiary documentaries there is.

And Amazon’s prices on the first season, second season, and third season of Barney Miller are strikingly reasonable.