Archive for June 25th, 2014

The Good, the Bad, and the Obit Watch for June 25, 2014.

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

Even though it has been widely reported (and I had a busy morning), I can’t let Eli Wallach pass without notice.

NYT. LAT. A/V Club.

This brought a smile to my face:

He graduated from Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn and attended the University of Texas at Austin (“because the tuition was $30 a year,” he once said), where he also learned to ride horses — a skill he would put to good use in westerns.

Edited to add: According to (I know, I know) Wikipedia, he graduated in 1936 with a history degree. Assuming he started in 1932, $30 then is about $520 now. If I’m reading this chart right, a history major today would be paying $4,673 a semester if they were a Texas resident.

Not that I’m grinding an axe or anything…