Archive for June 4th, 2014

Almost missed it…

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

…but yes, today is the day.

What day is it? The 40th anniversary of Ten Cent Beer Night.

Also coming up this year: the 35th anniversary of Disco Demolition Night.

I’ve previously made note of the strange career of Rusty Torres, who was on the field for three forfeited games. What I did not know, until I stumbled across it in Wikipedia, is that Nestor Chylak was also involved in both Ten Cent Beer Night (as crew chief of the umpires that night) and Disco Demolition Night (as “assistant league supervisor of umpires”; he was in the umpires’ dressing room at Comiskey Park that night, and ordered the forfeit).

Here’s a couple of links to coverage from the paper of record: Link one. Link two. Please leave a comment if those don’t work for you.

And here’s your obligatory 40th anniversary interview from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, complete with a reprint of the original coverage from 1974.

Noted for the historical record.

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

Indicted California Democratic State Senator Leland “Uncle” Yee finished third out of a field of eight candidates for the post of California secretary of state, collecting “more than a quarter-million votes“.

As the vote count stood Wednesday morning, Yee finished ahead of ethics watchdog Dan Schnur, a former chairman of the state Fair Political Practices Commission, who framed his campaign around cleaning up Sacramento. Yee also finished ahead of Derek Cressman, a Democrat and former director of the good-government group Common Cause.

Obit watch.

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

I missed this while I was on the road: Robert W. Sallee died last week.

Mr. Sallee was the last survivor of the 1949 Mann Gulch fire, which killed 12 out of 15 smoke jumpers (and one non-smoke jumper). Mr. Sallee and another man, Walter Rumsey, managed to run uphill and escape the fire: R. Wagner Dodge, the leader of the group, escaped by lighting a backfire and lying in the embers.

I know I’ve said this before, but Young Men and Fire, Norman Maclean’s book about the Mann Gulch fire, is well worth reading.