Archive for April 16th, 2011

Happy BAG Day!

Saturday, April 16th, 2011

Yes, technically, Buy a Gun Day was yesterday. However, I can’t really get down to my local gunshop from work before 6 PM in crosstown Austin traffic. So I stretched things a little. Is that a crime?

Actually, this one has been on lawaway at Tex-Guns since the first part of the year, and it was just a happy coincidence the the payoff date corresponded to BAG Day.

Winchester Model 9422

That’s a Winchester Model 9422 Legacy. Tex-Guns sold it new to someone back in 1986 (if I remember the date correctly), and they came back in a few months ago and put it on consignment. It came with the original box and paperwork.

I need another .22 rifle like I need another 1911, or another hole in my head, but this one is beautiful; I’d put it at 99%+. I’m not even sure it has been fired. And it goes well with my pre-64 Model 94.

(Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that this one is going to end up in the hands of one of my nephews at some point, when his parents decide he’s ready for a real rifle. That is, if it suits him. If not, well, let’s just say my nephews have some choices.)

(Carlos Hathcock, call your office, please.)

Adding a little visual element to the photo are two books that I picked up recently: The Story of the Winchester 1 of 1000 and 1 of 100 Rifles, by Edmund Lewis, and the very recent limited run reprint (not a signed first printing) of Carlos Hathcock White Feather by the Chandler Brothers, which I ordered from Precision Shooting (1-860-645-8776: it isn’t listed on their website, and the advertisement in the April 2011 issue says they only have a limited number of copies available at $39.95 per.)

Edited to add 4/17:

Just for grins, and because I was killing some time before meeting folks for breakfast, I decided to do a second photo:

The 9422 is on the bottom: the top gun is my pre-’64 Model 94 in .30-30. One of my projects when school lets out for the summer is do some work on getting a proper setup for doing gun photos. My current setup is improvised and clunky.