Archive for April 1st, 2011

April 1, 2011.

Friday, April 1st, 2011

Things that have made me laugh today, as of about noon:

EFFector 24.11. “…undergraduate degrees in Facebook Privacy Settings”.

The PLAYMOBIL ™ Apple ™ Store playset.

The new project from His Scalziness. (The prologue is up at Tor’s site.)

The NYT falls for another April Fool’s joke. Popehat has the details.

Paolo Bacigalupi and the bacterial colony formerly known as Peter Watts are collaborating on a new shared world anthology. “‘We expect suicides,’ said Watts. ‘And maybe a Nebula.'”

Updated about 1:30 PM:

“‘Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark’ Gains Sentience, Hungers For The Flesh Of the Living“. (Hattip: Pope Scalzi the First.) Mostly because this line had me rolling on the floor:

…not seen since Andrew Lloyd Webber’s disastrous musical comedy version of “The King In Yellow,” which opened a dimensional rift to a world of freakish cat-people who terrorized Broadway for eighteen years, receiving mostly positive reviews.