Archive for September 1st, 2010

Art, damn it, art! watch. (#15 in a series)

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

The Cardiff Botanical Society, in Cardiff-By-The-Sea, California, spent $120,000 to put up a 16-foot statue of a “surfer”. That is, for values of “surfer” that look a lot like…well, maybe, me on a surfboard.

Hilarity ensues, complete with people using the “Cardiff Kook” (as the statue is known) as a jumping off point to create their own works of art.

(Hattip: Reason’s “Hit and Run“.)

Sweet, sweet lead.

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Because this broke while I was tied up with Armadillocon, I haven’t had a chance to blog it before now: the proposed EPA lead ammo ban appears to be as dead as the Roman Empire.

At least, for now. What was that someone said about the price of freedom?

Clippings: September 1, 2010.

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Obit watch: Laurent Fignon, two-time winner of the Tour de France, and the man who lost the Tour to Greg LeMond by eight seconds in 1989.

Is it just me, or do Tour winners tend to die relatively young? (Yes, I read the obit. Yes, I’m aware Fignon blames his drug use. I’m trying to avoid painting all the Tour winners with the same broad brush.)

Kim Severson profiles Roger Ebert, rice cooker chef.

I wanted to blog this yesterday, but didn’t get a chance: the Barnes and Noble across from Lincoln Center is closing. People are sad, though it sounds like many of them were getting their books elsewhere. Remember when people were indignant that Barnes and Noble and Borders were destroying the little bookstores?