Archive for December 23rd, 2016

Merry Christmas, Lee Baca.

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

The former sheriff of LA county got to open his present a few days early:

A mistrial was declared Thursday in the corruption case against former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca after a jury failed to reach a verdict on charges that he tried to obstruct an FBI investigation into allegations that deputies abused jail inmates.

The LAT reports that the jury was “split 11 to 1 in favor of an acquittal”, which makes me wonder if the prosecution is even going to attempt a re-trial. As noted previously, Baca is also in “the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease”; an attempt at a retrial may run into competency issues.

Related LAT editorial:

If hypocrisy, mismanagement and detachment were crimes, Baca would surely be staring down a long prison term.
But they are not, and they do not warrant criminal conviction or incarceration.

Los Angeles County is such a huge and virtually ungovernable county that any sheriff may be found wanting as a manager.

How hard is it not to beat prisoners and obstruct justice?