Archive for October 22nd, 2015

Wager update.

Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

On the one hand, I am disappointed that I won’t be collecting my $5 from Lawrence.

On the other hand, if the Cubs had won the World Series, we’d be looking at the opening of the seventh seal and global Apocalypse.

So perhaps it is better, after all, that they did lose.

On the third hand, they went a lot further than I honestly thought they would go. Seriously, this was an impressive run.

On the fourth hand, I’ve gotten more than $5 worth of entertainment this year out of the Cubs.

And on the gripping hand, it seems like this is actually a good team. I’ve got high hopes for next year. (And I don’t think I’m the only one: I’ve seen other people projecting that 2016 might just be the Cubs’ year.)