Archive for February 12th, 2014

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! watch (#9 in a series)

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

And I was worried that I wouldn’t find anything worth writing about today.

Ray Nagin, the former two-term mayor of New Orleans indicted after he left office, was convicted Wednesday of 20 federal corruption charges, stemming from illegal dealings with city vendors dating back to 2004. A jury delivered the verdict just before 1 p.m. after roughly six hours of deliberations that followed a nine-day trial. states that “Under federal sentencing rules, he could be facing a 20-year prison term, possibly more…” I would take that with a large grain of salt, given that they don’t show their work.

Here’s a helpful complete breakdown of all the charges. Note, for the record, that Mayor Chocolate City was acquitted on one bribery count. I hope he enjoys those granite countertops.