Archive for August 7th, 2013

DEFCON 21 updates: August 7, 2013 (part 2)

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

I actually thought I’d published the first update last night, but I got up this morning and found out I hadn’t.

Oh, well.

Anyway, Wesley McGrew and I have been carrying on a pleasant correspondence by email, and he’s graciously allowed me to host the preliminary version of his presentation, “Pwn The Pwn Plug: Analyzing and Counter-Attacking Attacker-Implanted Devices” here until he gets the final version uploaded. You can download the ZIP archive which contains the white paper, slides, and code here.

(By the way, Mr. McGrew is a heck of a nice guy.)

Grammer Nazi.

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

Headline and lead of a story on the Statesman web site: actual story is behind their paywall.

Pioneering egg farmer, organic feed mill founder dies

Jeremiah “Jerry” Cunningham, who founded the state’s first and only organic feed mill, Coyote Creek Organic Feed Mill and Farm, and the eponymous World’s Best Egg company, died Tuesday at the age of 76.

Now, I’m sure Mr. Cunningham was a nice guy, and liked his chickens. But: here’s the definition of the word “eponymous”:

of, relating to, or being the person or thing for whom or which something is named : of, relating to, or being an eponym

How is “World’s Best Egg Compay” eponymous? Do I not understand the definition? Am I missing something?

More DEFCON 21: August 7, 2013.

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013