Archive for August 29th, 2011

I have an odd sense of humor.

Monday, August 29th, 2011

Sorry for the radio silence the past few days. Two reasons:

  1. There just hasn’t been that much to report. I understand there was an earthquake somewhere, and a hurricane in some other place? Other than that, I got nothing (well, except it hit 110 in Austin over the weekend).
  2. I’ve been running around Armadillocon 33 all weekend.

Content will, perhaps, resume soonish. In the meantime, here’s a picture I took Sunday morning, just because I happened to have the book with me at breakfast (I was expecting to be eating alone) and the juxtaposition amused me.


The book is Murder Behind the Badge: True Stories of Cops Who Kill, a book which I don’t feel I can recommend. (There may be a longer post later on this.) The dish is pigs in a blanket from the Original Pancake House. The arm belongs to the elusive Mike the Musicologist.