Archive for June 14th, 2011

Astros watch.

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Pitching coach Brad Arnsberg out, Doug Brocail in.

The Astros are 15th in the 16-team National League with a 4.69 ERA and lead the league in blown saves, having coughed up 13 in 23 chances.

I haven’t been doing the regular updates I did last year (I was planning to do a bottom feeders roundup at the All-Star break) but if current trends continue, the Astros are on track to lose 100 games this year.

Hiliarty ensues.

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Remember the “Gay Girl in Damascus” story we linked on Sunday?

If you clicked through to the WP link, you may have noticed, but not thought much about, the mention of Paula Brooks, editor of “Lez Get Real”, a lesbian news Web site based in Washington.

In several interviews, the editor — who spoke on condition that she be identified only by her pseudonym, Paula Brooks — said she encouraged Amina to write more, first on Lez Get Real and later on a new blog, titled “A Gay Girl in Damascus.”

You probably see the punchline coming at this point, but we have to carry on.

“Paula Brooks” is actually a 58-year-old male construction worker from Ohio.

We’re kind of wondering if the WP is going to make outing lesbian bloggers who aren’t lesbians (or female) a trend, or if this was just, as “Paula Brooks” puts it, “a major sock-puppet hoax crash into a major sock-puppet hoax”. We kind of hope for the former, as it provides more entertainment than the WP‘s gun coverage.

Art, damn it, art! watch. (#23 in a series)

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Ben Wilson is an artist in England.

His medium is acrylic enamel…and used chewing gum stuck to the sidewalk.

He developed a technique in which he softens the gum with a blowtorch, sprays it with lacquer and then applies three coats of acrylic enamel. He uses tiny brushes, quick-drying his work with a lighter as he goes along, and then seals it with clear lacquer. Each painting takes between a few hours and a few days, and can last several years if the conditions are right.

I’m not mocking Mr. Wilson: the few examples of his work shown with the article are rather pleasing to me, particularly the Millennium Bridge one.