Archive for October 8th, 2009

Quick note.

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

Unrelated to art, but I wanted to throw up this Statesman link.

Many of the people who read this blog (including the owner) know Josh from the old Austin BBS days, and wish him the best of luck.

Edited to add: I forgot that I also wanted to link to this LAT piece about Tim Powers and On Stranger Tides, which will apparently be the basis for the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie (if there is one). Powers came to a couple of Armadillocons, and has always been nothing but kind to the Nova Express gang; if anyone deserves huge Hollywood money, he’s on the short list.

Art, damn it, art! watch (#1 in a series)

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

I was doing these back in the pre-blog email days, and a couple of people have griped that I haven’t done one in a while. Well, that’s because until now there hasn’t been much art news to report. Now, though, I have a chance to see how many buttons I can push with one blog entry.

First up, the LAT reports on a Frank Lloyd Wright drawing which is currently featured in a local exhibition. The drawing? A “cottage studio” designed for…Ayn Rand.  (A pretty nifty design, I think.)

By way of Balko, we learn of a couple on a quest: to photograph every Sizzler in America.  And they’re planning to publish a book of the photos, too.

(The comments at Balko’s site are amusing, too, especially #24: “No. This is not art. End of discussion.”  Since art is  “any human activity that doesn’t grow out of either of our species two basic instincts: survival and reproduction“, (or then again, maybe it isn’t) the commenter is clearly wrong.)

(Hi, Mike!)