Archive for September 14th, 2009

Chris Elliott is…The Fugitive Guy!

Monday, September 14th, 2009

A few weeks ago, Scott Simon interviewed Bob Greene on Weekend Edition. Apparently, during that interview, Simon referred to Dr. Sam Sheppard as “the most famous convicted murderer in America”.

Now, those of us who keep up with true crime (or those of us from around the Cleveland area) know that this is, at best, misleading. (Dr. Sheppard was convicted of murder at his first trial; that conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court, Dr. Sheppard was retried, and acquitted at the second trial.)

Apparently, Dr. Sheppard’s son was listening as well, and wrote NPR. Here’s a transcript of Scott Simon’s interview with Sam Reese Sheppard.

For all the (considerable) problems I have with NPR, I have to say that Scott Simon comes across as a class act in that interview.

People who died, died…

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Obit watch:  Jim Carroll, author (The Basketball Diaries) and musician.

I’m not really wild about embedding the YouTube videos, so here’s a link to Catholic Boy on Amazon. When I get a chance, I’m going to put on the headphones and crank “People Who Died” all the way up.

Edited to add: Here’s a link to the NYT obit for Norman Borlaug as well. I didn’t note this over the weekend, even though I’m part of the Borlaug Fan Club, because it seemed to be well covered by FARK and the mainstream media.