Archive for the ‘Admin’ Category

TMQ Watch: August 2019.

Monday, August 12th, 2019

Looks like the NFL is getting fired up again.

Yes, the loser update will return this year. We haven’t sat down to consider which teams are likely candidates for the Owen-16 trophy, but maybe we’ll get some time to do that between now and the start of the regular season.

But we are sure everyone is asking this question: what of Gregg Easterbrook and “Tuesday Morning Quarterback”? Has he found a new home, since the “Weekly Standard” folded up their tent and headed into the long dark night? And what of “TMQ Watch”? Will that be a recurring feature next year?

To answer the last question first: sadly, no. No “TMQ Watch” in 2019. Why?

Not our choice, Easterbrook’s. We may try to keep an eye on his Twitter feed for noteworthy items relating to the NFL. But we’ve found that Easterbrook’s Twitter feed is a reliable way of pressure testing our cerebral arteries, so we don’t recommend making bets on how much and how often we’ll be doing that.

Don’t be evil.

Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

I’m seeing reports that Google is deleting gun blogs.

The only one I’ve been able to “confirm” so far is “No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money”: John Richardson has posted on Twitter that his blog has been locked. (Hattip: SayUncle.)

Thing is, one data point doesn’t make a trend, and it could be just incompetent Google support (is that redundant?). Or it could indeed be a Google decision.

My point here is mostly: it doesn’t matter if you’re on Google, or on a third party hosting provider, or even if you own your own server. Back your (stuff) up.

And in that vein, thanks to McThag for the valuable reminder that I hadn’t backed my (stuff) up in a while. A failing which I have since corrected.

Ten years burning down the road…

Sunday, July 28th, 2019

Today is the tenth anniversary of my first post.

When I started this blog, I was afraid it would end up being a shiny new toy that I played with for a while, then got bored with and set to one side.

(Great. Now I’m depressed.)

3,652 days. 4,499 posts. That averages out to slightly more than one per day. I think that takes this blog out of “shiny new toy” status, and more into the realm of “my favorite GI Joe — you know, the good ones, not that Cobra crap — with the Kung Fu grip“.

(Great. Now I’m even more depressed.)

But I’m not bored yet. (Or tired.)

I’m not proud of everything I’ve written. But I’ve written some stuff I’m proud of. And I’ve always tried to do what I think is the right and fair thing.

I have discovered a few things:

  • The posts that I consider to be short throw-away ones get more attention than the longer ones I put thought into. I believe this is a general principle of blogging that doesn’t have a name. Yet.
  • I’m shocked at how much traffic the list of city council members gets.
  • I seem to have become the go-to guy for obituaries. This gets depressing sometimes, especially when the obituary is for a relatively young person, and most especially when they’ve committed suicide. But I like calling out the people who have meant something to me for some reason, or the people I’ve never heard of who led interesting lives, or the war heros…and, yes, even the criminals who finally went to their just reward.

I thought about doing a thank you list, but every time I do one, there’s always someone I miss. I do want to single out Lawrence and Borepatch as the two bloggers who drive the most traffic here.

There are some people who were early supporters of this blog who have drifted away, perhaps because of political differences, and I regret that. There are some people who seem to have drifted away for personal, non-political reasons, who I miss terribly. There are some people who were early influences on this blog who I’ve drifted away from. And there’s at least two people that I know of who died (died).

Those of you who would be on a thank-you list, you know who you are, and thank you. To absent friends.

Let’s see if I can keep it up for ten more years. I plan to: I’ve got another gun porn post that I’m working on that combines a couple of things. Namely: what I bought at the S&WCA Symposium (a popular question among my friends) and, believe it or not, childhood nostalgia. I’m not sure when this is going to go up, as I have to take more photos first. But at least this one will be shorter than the last one.

I’m also thinking about doing a round-up review of some books I finished recently. I already talked about the Baatz book, but there are two more I’m thinking about covering: one that I liked with small reservations (mostly that I wanted more out of the book than the author was willing to give to his perceived target audience) and one that I found disappointing due to the author’s moralizing. If I can get to those this week I will.

Meanwhile, you can look forward to more obit watches, more random news clippings, more gun crankery, and (of course) a whacky green alien that only I can see (but who will be making some guest posts).

Drinks are on me and the alien next time we’re in the same place at the same time.


Monday, July 15th, 2019

I totally missed Bastille Day. But Borepatch put up a nice post.

(And he’s right. I think that is one of the best scenes from “Casablanca”.)

In my defense, it was a hectic weekend. I was at an event most of the day on Saturday (from early in the morning to late in the afternoon), went from there to Half-Price Books, from there straight to the dining conspiracy, from there to Lawrence‘s for movies, and from there home around 2 AM.

Sunday afternoon, Mom and I went out for lunch: after that, I went to the gun show in Dripping Springs, came home, picked up Mom, and we went over to the big Half-Price on North Lamar.

The thing is, I noticed on the way over to Half-Price that I was really tired: I found myself starting to doze off in the car, which worried me. I got a bottle of water while we were there, which helped some, but when I came home, I went upstairs to lay down and slept from about 5 PM to 5 AM this morning.

Either I’m getting old, or something’s wrong.

Anyway, in case you haven’t guessed what with all the trips to Half-Price, this week was another coupon sale. Unfortunately, the pickings were really slim:

Especially when it came to gun books. The only really worthwhile thing I found was a copy of Helmer’s The Gun That Made the Twenties Roar for $12 (after 40% off coupon) plus tax.

Other than that: a blu-ray of “The Revenant”, which I missed in theaters and kind of wanted to see, for roughly $8 with a 20% off coupon, a copy of Boessenecker’s biography of Frank Hamer (which I’d been trying to find for a while, and got for $6), and Ben Macintyre’s book about Kim Philby. (I believe that was also about $6.)

Maybe next weekend I can catch up on sleep. And I have some gun porn I want to post, but I have to take the photos first.

Back on the train…

Monday, June 17th, 2019

I’ve returned from my travel, for the record. I may talk a little about where I was at some point in the near future, but I probably won’t be doing a full fledged after action report.

One thing I will say: I can’t recommend the Sixth Floor Museum. It is expensive (a minimum of $30 for one person if you want to park your car), a Mongolian fire drill to get in to (you have to wait in line to buy tickets, or you can order them online. But either way, you then have to wait in line until your designated admission time comes around, then you have to wait in another line to actually get in the elevators up to the sixth floor.) and there’s just really not a whole lot to it that you don’t already know or haven’t heard. Most of the stuff there (Oswald’s rifle, Zapruder’s camera) isn’t even the original items (which are stored in the National Archives) but “reproductions” or similar items made around the same time.

It might be a good place to take your kids (but if you drive, you’re going to be out a minimum of $76 for a family of four) but I was generally disappointed.

Travel day.

Wednesday, June 12th, 2019

This time, the trip is relatively short. (I’m actually driving.) I expect to be at my destination late morning or early afternoon, and may possibly have some time after I get there, unpack, and unwind.

Blogging will be catch as catch can through Sunday.

Obit watch: February 4, 2019.

Monday, February 4th, 2019

By way of Lawrence, THR obit for Julie Adams.

Edited to add: NYT obit.

She was most famous for “Creature from the Black Lagoon” (which I still haven’t seen). But her list of credits is extensive, including “McQ” and “The Last Movie”.

And she did a whole bunch of TV work: Jimmy Stewart’s wife on “The Jimmy Stewart Show”, guest shots on “Perry Mason”, “Ironside”, “The Bold Ones: The New Doctors”…

…and “Mannix”. (“Then the Drink Takes the Man”, “Little Girl Lost”). And she was the drunken wife of the dead scientist in the “Mr. R.I.N.G” episode of “Kolchak: The Night Stalker“.

(Oddly enough, she came up in passing Saturday night. The main topic of discussion was the annoying (to me, anyway) tendency of “Kolchak”‘s writers to kill off the more attractive women. The hot girl in the bathing suit in “Firefall”, the lab worker in “The Energy Eater”, the Air Force captain in “Legacy of Terror”, etc.)

As an administrative side note: I’ve been thinking about posting this for a while, but finally decided to make it explicit. If your IMDB credits include an entry for “Mannix”, you will automatically get an obit watch entry here. Please feel free to contact me with any omissions.

City Council updates.

Monday, January 7th, 2019

The new council members get sworn in later today.

However, the city hasn’t updated the contact information yet. For example, the page for District 1 has Natasha Harper-Madison’s name on it, with “Biographical information coming soon”, but the email form still says “Send email to Ora Houston”.

Point being, I’m not ignoring that the contact information pages need to be updated: I’m just waiting on the city of Austin, and Travis County, and Congress, to get their acts together.

Administrative note.

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

I get a lot of hits on the contact information for Austin City Council members page.

Just so everyone knows, I will be updating that and the other contact pages, but not until after the new folks take office, which I think will be January.

Obit watch: September 6, 2018.

Thursday, September 6th, 2018

George Austin, blogger and regular commenter, died earlier this week. Borepatch and ASM826 have nice tributes up.

Adding to what they said: I didn’t know Mr. Austin (I wish I had) but he was a frequent commenter here: as a matter of fact, he was the originator of Gavrilo Princip Day. We extend our condolences to his people.

Kenny Shopsin, restaurant owner. I never met him, either, but I was familiar with him by way of Calvin Trillin’s writings. I even have a copy of his cookbook, though of course I waited for it to show up used.

I suspect Mr. Shopsin and my stepdad would have gotten along famously, while there’s a 50/50 chance that Mr. Shopsin and I would have rubbed each other the wrong way. Such is the way of the world.

Nine years.

Saturday, July 28th, 2018

I’ve been doing this for nine years?

Where does the time go?

Thanks to everyone for their continued support. I can name a few people specifically: Borepatch, Joe D., Lawrence, Roadrich, Mike the Musicologist, South Texas Pistolero, Infidel de Manahatta, pigpen51, roadgeek, thinkingman, Chuck Pergiel, Morlock Publishing…and probably a whole host of others I’m forgetting now.

Thanks, everyone. Can I keep this up for nine more years? I intend to try.

I deny the allegations and I defy the alligators.

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

Contrary to what (some of) my friends believe, this is NOT my secret Twitter account:

Though I do fully support the sentiment.

Yeah. That’s a negatory, GhostRider. First off, there’s tomato residue left on the burger. Second, and more importantly: when I go somewhere and order a burger (or, for that matter, most other foods) and I say “I want it this way, with these toppings,” I expect to get what I ordered. If I ask for “ketchup and onions only” I expect to get that, not something with lettuce, tomato, and a bunch of vile glop on top. Don’t tell me “scrape it off”: FIX MY FOOD THE WAY I ASKED!

(Sorry if it seems like I’m worked up, but I’ve lost count of the number of meals I’ve had ruined or had to send back because someone didn’t get my order right, or added things that weren’t listed on the menu, or or or…)