Don’t be evil.

I’m seeing reports that Google is deleting gun blogs.

The only one I’ve been able to “confirm” so far is “No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money”: John Richardson has posted on Twitter that his blog has been locked. (Hattip: SayUncle.)

Thing is, one data point doesn’t make a trend, and it could be just incompetent Google support (is that redundant?). Or it could indeed be a Google decision.

My point here is mostly: it doesn’t matter if you’re on Google, or on a third party hosting provider, or even if you own your own server. Back your (stuff) up.

And in that vein, thanks to McThag for the valuable reminder that I hadn’t backed my (stuff) up in a while. A failing which I have since corrected.

2 Responses to “Don’t be evil.”

  1. McThag says:

    I made my post on that single data point, had more to write and ended up stabbing publish before I’d written it.

    Life intruding on the blogging truncates the muse somewhat.

  2. stainles says:

    I think I owe you an apology, McThag. I wanted to use your post as a start to make a point about backing your stuff up, and I chose to use your post because it reminded me that I hadn’t for a while and that I needed to.

    I think, though, that it came across as slagging you for having only one example of a blog deleted by Google: I apologize for that, and will do better in the future.