You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#96 in a series)

This is a bit of a change-up pitch.

RBB is a German public broadcaster. More specifically:

RBB is one of the nine regional public broadcasters that make up ARD, Germany’s joint pubweb network which, with an annual budget of $7 billion (€6.9 billion) and more than 22 thousand employees, is the world’s largest public broadcaster. RBB is also one of the main sponsors of the Berlin International Film Festival.

Patricia Schlesinger was the director of RBB. She resigned on Sunday, as did Wolf-Dieter Wolf, chairman of the board.

On Monday, Berlin’s public prosecutor confirmed it had opened an investigation into accusations Schlesinger embezzled RBB funds to support her lifestyle, including getting the network to pay for lavish dinners at her home and financing her private use of a luxury company car.

Schlesinger, who was on a $308,000 (€307,000) annual salary at RBB, is accused of using the German public broadcaster to bankroll a lavish lifestyle for herself and her ex-husband, the Spiegel journalist Gerhard Spörl. Among the allegations, many of which have been revealed in explicit detail in the German media, are that Schlesinger regularly hosted exclusive dinners at her home for prominent guests, getting RBB to pick up the bill, and that she pushed through a $662,000 (€650,000) luxury renovation of her office – all while cutting jobs and programming costs at her network.

Wolf-Dieter Wolf has been “linked with some of the accusations leveled at Schlesinger”, whatever that means.

One Response to “You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#96 in a series)”

  1. Mike-SMO says:

    That is how the System works, a % for the “Big Guy”.

    Data like that is probably what the Feds are looking for at Mar-a-Lago. Such “evidence” would be a huge threat to “them”. The “election results” are trivial. “They” profit, whoever is in Congress or the White House. President Trump is a rogue player. He is wealthy enough, powerful enough, and guarded by an intelligent, forceful wife so that he is not tempted by the grift or by the new Epstein’s stable. If he has documents, video or photos of the players, he is a lethal threat. That is why the Feds are searching through his dirty laundry and trash cans. As President, he gets to know “everything” about everyone. Now he is the greatest threat.

    It will be an interesting game.