Important safety tip. (#12 in a series)

This one’s a quickie: if you’re going to steal a car, you probably shouldn’t steal an art car.

2 Responses to “Important safety tip. (#12 in a series)”

  1. And instead of a picture of the car itself, we get the now ubiquitous Chron slideshow. Has the Houston Chronicle laid off most of their photographers?

  2. stainles says:

    1. Slide #49 in that slideshow is a photo of the car.
    2. A half-assed photo of the back of it, in the impound yard, with people standing next to it.
    3. That does not render your point invalid; that is, why did the HouChron choose to illustrate the story with a slideshow in which 98% of the photos were not relevant, rather than using the one photo that was? Or maybe taking some better photos?
    4. Looking at the photo, quite honestly, I am not wild about the “art” in the “art car”.