Stray thoughts.

The NYT would like to explain Wickard v. Filburn to you. If you would like to read the court’s decision for yourself, rather than trusting the NYT, you can find it here.

By way of Jimbo: Wednesday’s Denver Post has a review of a restaurant called “Roam”. “So what?” you say. “I don’t live in Denver, and neither do you.” Yes, but it isn’t very often that a newspaper runs a review of a restaurant that closed before the review ran. The section containing the review was printed Monday night; the restaurant closed on Tuesday, and, according to press reports, the closing was nearly as chaotic as the rest of the restaurant’s history.

(Holy cow, there’s a winery called “The Infinite Monkey Theorem“? I want to at least try their wine.)

One Response to “Stray thoughts.”

  1. Ted Cruz goes into a detail on the unconstitutionality of Wickard vs. Filburn in the interview I did with him.