Important safety tip. (#11 in a series)

This has been covered on FARK, and my angle on it may be more of a legal tip than a safety one.


While I am opposed to drinking and driving, it helps your court case if you can say you drank something reasonable and innocent sounding. “I had a Grasshopper.” Grasshopper. How threatening does that sound? “I had two Sidecars.” Nice, mellow, classic drink. Gentlemen drink Sidecars. Even “I had two Manhattans” or “I had three Negronis” doesn’t sound too bad.

But when the testimony in court is that you ordered eight of something called a “Mind Eraser”, that doesn’t look so good. Just a suggestion. If you plan to get your s–t f–ked up, you should consider a designated driver and something that doesn’t sound threatening. A nice Long Island Iced Tea or eight, perhaps.

2 Responses to “Important safety tip. (#11 in a series)”

  1. Glen says:

    A smart lawyer could work with the alcohol content of the drinks, although perception will get you every time with a jury. That said, stay away from the Long Island Ice Tea, cause one of those is 4 shots, whereas your typical cocktail (an Old Fashioned, perhaps?) is just 2 shots.

  2. stainles says:

    Yeah, I know “Long Island Iced Tea” is isomorphic to “Get Messed Up as Fast As Possible”, but it doesn’t sound as bad as a “Mind Eraser”.

    I’m pretty sure both sides are introducing testimony about the alcohol content of said “Mind Eraser”, but the HouChron hasn’t covered that part of it. I’d actually like to read that testimony, because I can see it going in one of two ways:

    “Yeah, it has about 6 shots worth of liquor in it. We generally limit customers to one, but, you know, he’s a good tipper…”


    “Yeah, the ‘Mind Eraser’ has about half a shot in it. The rest of it is flavorings and water. We sell it for $10 a pop and the rubes think they’re getting f–ked up. The boss says we make beaucop bank on that one, even letting them keep the glass.”