Followup roundup.

The Statesman is reporting that the APD has taken further action in the case of the drunk SWAT officer: four other SWAT officers have been kicked off the team.

“It’s not punitive, although I’m sure it will be viewed by some of the officers in that respect,” he said. “We need to make sure we move forward from this, that we learn from it and that we make sure it never happens again.”

The NYT has a little “slice of (NYC) life” piece about the last day at one of the city’s OTB parlors. Short summary: where are all the cranky old men going to go now?

I am aware of the WP‘s latest “Hidden Life of Guns” effort. (Look! Mexican gun ducks!) I am not sure if and when I’ll get around to writing about it.

Edited to add: Forgot one. Followup in the NYT on the American Anthropological Association and the “science” controversy.

2 Responses to “Followup roundup.”

  1. Earl Cooley III says:

    The APD’s solution to dealing with the deaf community: yell louder.

  2. stainles says:

    It would be unworthy and beneath me to insert a graphic of Garrett Morris doing “News For the Hard of Hearing” here.

    So I won’t.