Notes from the police blotter.

Susan Wright got her sentence reduced from 25 years to 20. Ms. Wright was convicted of tying her husband to a bed and stabbing him. Stabbing him 193 times, that is.

Wright got a second chance at the punishment phase because of ineffective assistance of counsel in her trial.

This was actually a somewhat sensational trial; during the trial,

then-prosecutor Kelly Siegler tied another prosecutor to the bloodied bed in the courtroom, climbed on him and acted out the stabbing.

Mostly I wanted to blog this because of Lawrence’s comment: “That’s five days off for every stab wound”.

In other news, who knew that being a fake ICE agent was so financially rewarding? I certainly didn’t.

He wore combat boots, a thigh holster, and a shirt and hat bearing the letters ICE, for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. He used a different car, one that looked like a police cruiser.

Sounds like a mall somewhere is missing an idiot a ninja.

One Response to “Notes from the police blotter.”

  1. […] This is a disturbing case, and I find it even more disturbing that the original prosecutor is making threats against Siegler. Not that Ms. Siegler is a shirking violet: you may remember her from the Susan Wright case, where she tied up one of her fellow prosecutors in the courtroom and re-enacted Ms. Wright’s stabbing of…. […]