You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#109 in a series)

I had to go to the eye doctor this morning, and the Robert Menendez story broke while I was there. My eyes are still a little messed up, and I’m kind of behind on this story – at this point, everyone and his brother is on it like flies on a severed cow’s head at a Damien Hirst installation – so some short random observations.

I’m impressed he was taking payoffs in gold as well as in cash, though I wouldn’t have left so much cash lying around the house. I absolutely believe you should diversify what you accept for bribes: cash, negotiable securities, precious and/or strategic metals, etc. I’m not yet sold on cryptocurrency as a bribery mechanism, though.

Sen. Menendez is actually a repeat hyena: I noted his indictment back in 2015, though I missed that the jury in that case hung and he wasn’t retried for reasons.

Speaking of the previous charges, the tabloid of record has an amusing run-down of those, complete with photos of “Bob’s Babes”.

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