Leonard, Part (N).

I’ve lost track at this point, but a quick Fat Leonard update.

He’s been caught.

In Venezuela.

The U.S. government faces an uphill challenge returning the fugitive back to American soil. The U.S. government doesn’t recognize Nicolas Maduro’s socialist government, has no embassy in the country and has imposed crushing sanctions on the country that has further embittered relations. Law enforcement cooperation between the two countries is rare.

And according to this story, he was trying to get to Russia.

The official said Francis intended to board a plane to the Venezuelan Caribbean Island of Margarita, which Venezuela wants to turn into a popular destination for Russian tourists because of its pristine beaches accessible by ferry or flights from the mainland. The government said last month it plans to offer five flights a week between Margarita and Moscow starting Oct. 1. Signs in Russian can already be seen at the island.

One Response to “Leonard, Part (N).”

  1. pigpen51 says:

    For some reason I could not get into your blog for a few days. Now that I am back, I have to play some catch up. First, I see that Mr. Siegal of the Times passed away. I remember the time when the fake news reporting made the national news, and was such an embarrassment.
    That Mr. Siegal even existed, and led the fight to right the ship, I did not know, but it is obvious that he was a man of quality, of both compassion, and of courage.
    I graduated highschool in 1978, and was named the senior athlete of the year. I say this, not to brag, or to extol myself, but to say that the principal, at our graduation ceremony, when presenting the award to me, made certain that he not only mentioned my athletic ability, but also my character. I think that is what Mr. Siegal demonstrated with his green pen. Pushing character upon all of those who wished to work for the newspaper that was meant to be the best, in the entire city.
    Character. It seems like a quaint notion today. I find it both a sad thing, to know that it is not as respected as it once was, and that it is not as common as it was either.
    A man could do much worse for his children, if the only legacy that he left for his children was to leave them with character of heart and of soul.
    May you and yours be safe this coming fall season, my friend.