You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#97 in a series)

Jeff German was a reporter for the Las Vegas Review Journal. He specialized in investigative reporting, and was apparently quite well regarded by his peers.

I say “was” because Mr. German was stabbed to death on Friday. Mike the Musicologist sent me a tweet from some Twitter rando claiming that Mr. German’s latest investigative reporting was on the Oathkeepers.

Robert Telles is the “public administrator” for Clark County. According to the Clark County webpage:

Rob’s primary focus is to ensure that the CCPA serves the community as best as possible. Under the current administration, safeguarding and customer service performance have been increased significantly according to the statistical data provided on the CCPA website. Further, the CCPA now objects to many probate court matters where families are at risk.

It isn’t exactly clear to me what the “public administrator” does, but it is an elected position. Mr. Telles (who is a Democrat) lost the primary election for the position in June. He apparently blamed his loss on Mr. German, who had done a series of investigative pieces on Mr. Telles’s management of the office:

Reporting from May included allegations from former employees that Telles created a hostile work environment and had an “inappropriate relationship” with a staffer. There were also accusations of bullying and favoritism.

Yesterday, the police searched Mr. Telles’s home. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Telles was arrested and charged with “suspicion of murder”.

Not really sure what I can say here. Seems tragic that a reporter got stabbed for doing his job, especially when it was apparently a politician who’d already lost his own job. What did he think he was going to get out of killing a reporter? His old job back? Or was he just a bully who thought he could get away with killing someone who crossed him?

Considered innocent until proven guilty, yadda yadda, but it’ll be interesting to see this one play out.

Edited to add: More from Reason. I haven’t quoted from the Review-Journal at all because that outlet is totally unreadable without a subscription, even in incognito mode.

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