You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#86 in a series)

In haste, for two reasons. One is that I have other things to blog.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s chief of staff and two former staff members are facing felony criminal indictments in connection to a controversial contract awarded last year.

The three people charged are Chief of Staff Alex Triantaphyllis, Wallis Nader, and Aaron Dunn. The charges are related to a “COVID-19 communication contract” which…

…went to a one-person company, Elevate Strategies, run by a political strategist with a limited track record that did not receive the highest scores in the bidding process.

My second reason for blogging in haste is: Lawrence is on this story like flies on a severed cow’s head in a Damien Hirst installation. You should really go over to his site for coverage on this, especially since he’s linking to more local sources.

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