You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#70 in a series)

Mike the Musicologist sent me a story that I missed.

The mayor of Rochester, New York, Lovely Warren, was indicted on July 16th. For the second time.

The first time was back in October for campaign finance violations.

This time? Would you believe…guns?

Both are charged with criminal possession of a firearm, a felony, and two counts each of endangering the welfare of a child and failure to lock/secure firearms in a dwelling, both misdemeanors; according to a statement from the Monroe County District Attorney’s Office. The couple have a 10-year-old daughter and, though separated, had continued living together.

The other half of the couple is Timothy Granison, her husband, who has his own set of problems. Specifically, he and five other people have been charged with “conspiracy to possess and distribute cocaine”.

Warren has maintained she did nothing wrong. She previously said she did not know about her husband’s activities, nor the handgun and semi-automatic rifle that police found inside the house they shared. She did not immediately respond to a text message Friday. And her attorney Joseph Damelio did not immediately return messages.

Mayor Warren lost the Democratic primary last month, so she will not be serving another term. She has not been implicated in the dope ring, either.


John Jay College will host a panel discussion titled, “Mayors Against Illegal Guns: How are Mayors Taking Responsibility for Addressing Gun Violence in Their Cities?,” featuring Mayors Lovely Warren of Rochester, NY; and Stephanie Miner of Syracuse, NY; as well as Eric Cumberbatch, Executive Director of Mayor’s Office to Prevent Gun Violence , New York, NY. Bill Keller, Editor-in Chief of The Marshall Project, will serve as the moderator.

Guess that answers that question.

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