Obit watch: March 9, 2021.

I’ve been running behind on obits, so here’s a roundup.

Roger Mudd, CBS, NBC, and PBS anchorman and reporter. He was also a distant relative of Samuel Mudd (the doctor who treated John Wilkes Booth’s broken leg).

Norton Juster, author of “The Phantom Tollbooth”.

Carla Wallenda, of the Flying Wallendas. She was the last surviving child of Karl Wallenda.

By way of Lawrence, John “Bud” Cardos. IMDB describes him as a “B-movie Renaissance man“: he directed, acted, and did stunt work.

FotB RoadRich sent over some nice obits for Mike Collins. He sounds like a truly interesting guy: he worked for the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) as technical editor and director of business operations. He was also a skilled photographer and amateur brewer.

Finally, Tony Hendra, “National Lampoon” and “Spy” guy, and “Ian Faith” in “This Is Spinal Tap”.

2 Responses to “Obit watch: March 9, 2021.”

  1. tim kies says:

    I remember Roger Mudd, as one of the voices that you thought you could trust to deliver real news, without shading it left or right. Now, looking back, I can’t remember if my recollections are correct or not, but he was respected at the time.

  2. stainles says:

    It may just be nostalgia, but that’s pretty much the way I remember Mudd, too.