Thank you, Tam!

I generally try to avoid linking to stuff that’s been posted on other blogs more widely read than mine. After all, if someone like Tam’s already written about it, what more can I add?

My excuse in this case is that Tam only covered one very small part of the website in question, and there’s a lot more there that I think is fascinating.

Faded Glory: Dusty Roads of an FBI Era is devoted to the FBI agents of the early 1930s. Quoting:

This website is a tribute to the many FBI Agents of the ’30s long forgotten and to a very young FBI they so proudly served.  It is their recorded accounts of what really happened; it is their photos they left behind and it’s their letters and more revealing much of which has never seen a day of print.

In addition to Delf Bryce’s employment application, which Tam linked, there’s a lot of other great stuff here. For example:

And all of that is just a small part of what’s on the Faded Glory website. There’s weeks worth of browsing material there. Thanks to Tam for the heads-up.

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