Why we should worry about the Chinese.

One word: diversification.

The first person indicted in a plot to smuggle anti-aircraft missiles into the United States after the 9/11 attacks was sentenced Monday in Los Angeles federal court to 25 years in prison.


A federal jury convicted [Yi Qing] Chen last October of five felony charges: conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine and cocaine; distribution of cocaine; trafficking in counterfeit cigarettes (about 800,000 cases); trafficking in contraband cigarettes; and conspiracy to import missile systems designed to destroy aircraft.

Meth, coke, cigarettes, and missile systems? Most crooks specialize in one or two areas, but not Mr. Chen; he apparently wanted to be the Wal-Mart of smugglers. You’ve got to give the guy props for ambition.

Edited to add: Darn it, I just realized; if he had done something with booze (untaxed maotai?) he could have had the trifecta.

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