Art, damn it, art! watch. (#20 of a series)

Andres Serrano’s “P–s Christ” smashed with a hammer while on display in France.

Link goes to a BBC News story. Here’s another story from the Guardian, by way of Althouse. Althouse goes on to make some good points, including that what was actually attacked was a photograph: copies can still be made from the negative, assuming it exists.

One Response to “Art, damn it, art! watch. (#20 of a series)”

  1. […] Dwight and Ann Althouse (among many others) are reporting on the vandalizing of a photographic print of Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ in France. (I’m not going to go into a history of the piece itself, whose heyday of controversy was before most of today’s college seniors were born; I suspect my readers can Google as well as anyone.) The attackers have not been apprehended, but there has been much speculation that they were disgruntled Catholics, though the proof of that is entirely conjectural. Assuming this is true (and not, as Althouse suggests, an inside job), this is like a perfect storm of fail for the attackers: […]