A poll, for your amusement.

Who is worse than Rob Enderle?
Joseph Stalin.
Adolf Hitler.
Barack Obama.
Jimmy Carter.
Fidel Castro.
Che Guevara.
M. Night Shamalamadingdong, or whatever his name is.
The Black Plague.
After Last Season.
The Bataan Death March.
The cast of Glee.
None of the above. There is nobody worse than Rob Enderle.
pollcode.com free polls

3 Responses to “A poll, for your amusement.”

  1. Earl Cooley III says:

    Is Rob Enderle someone I’m supposed to have actually heard of? heh.

  2. stainles says:


    You are a cold, cold man.

  3. Earl Cooley III says:

    Really, I had to look him up.