Today in journalism fraud.

The Onion A.V. Club published a review of Genius, Isolated: The Life and Art of Alex Toth as part of their “Comics Panel” feature.

There’s just one tiny little problem: the book hasn’t been published yet. (Amazon shows it as scheduled for July 12, 2011.)

The A.V. Club actually handled this in a pretty classy way; a public apology, and the unnamed writer has apparently been fired.

(Hattip: Jimbo.)

This reminds me of something else I’ve been meaning to link: “Regret the Error”‘s 2010 year in review. Guess who’s number one on their list?

(I wish I could link directly to the “apology of the year”, but instead I’ll link to this.)

One Response to “Today in journalism fraud.”

  1. Earl Cooley III says:

    Here’s something I wrote on Making Light a while back:

    A Pantoum of Comprehensive Apology

    I know that what I did was really wrong;
    My sorrow at my failure knows no bounds.
    My moral sense was just not very strong;
    No rational excuse the truth confounds

    My sorrow at my failure knows no bounds;
    Could you forgive my hideous offense?
    No rational excuse the truth confounds;
    You do deserve good will, with no pretense.

    Could you forgive my hideous offense?
    I do resolve to never err again.
    You do deserve good will, with no pretense.
    I offer recompense, it’s settled, then?

    I do resolve to never err again;
    My moral sense was just not very strong.
    I offer recompense, it’s settled, then?
    I know that what I did was really wrong.