I just read it for the articles.

Every issue of Playboy from 1953 to 2010, on a USB hard drive, for $300.

(Hattip: Jimbo.)

I don’t see this on Amazon yet, or I’d throw up a link. In any case, if I was going to get a complete magazine archive, Playboy is pretty low on my list. The Complete New Yorker would probably be closer to the top, though it looks like that hasn’t been updated until 2005 (and is no longer available on the magazine’s web site, but Amazon has it pretty darn cheap), with the National Geographic collection being a close second. However, I’ve heard that the NatGeo collection isn’t that useful; the photos are supposedly pretty low-res. Anybody got any experience with the NatGeo DVDs?

One Response to “I just read it for the articles.”

  1. Joe D says:

    I have the National Geographic collection on CD, from when it was first released.

    I keep meaning to copy all of them to my hard drive, but it would be a couple hours of “insert disk, hit enter, wait, repeat”.

    I do remember the pictures being not all that high-res, but it does have EVERYTHING, cover to cover, even the ads.