This is intended to enrage you. (#10 in a series)

I’m going to put a jump here, for those of you who want to avoid being enraged. Something else will be coming along eventually.

Frederick D. Moorefield, Jr., who worked as a Deputy Chief Information Officer in the Pentagon, was charged last week with promoting and furthering an animal fighting venture after federal agents raided his Arnold, Maryland home outside of Washington D.C on Sept. 6. Moorefield, 62, called his dogfighting operation “Geehad Kennels,” according to a Department of Justice release. He is accused of possessing, training, or transporting animals for participation in an animal fighting venture along with a second Maryland man, Mario Flythe, 49, of Glen Burnie.

Investigators said the two men “shared messages on how to train dogs for illegal dogfighting, exchanged videos about dogfighting, and arranged and coordinated dogfights. Moorefield and Flythe also discussed betting on dogfighting, discussed dogs that died as a result of dogfighting, and circulated media reports about dogfighters who had been caught by law enforcement.”

At Moorefield’s home, officials say they recovered twelve dogs along with “veterinary steroids, training schedules, a carpet that appeared to be stained with blood, and a weighted dog vest with a patch reading ‘Geehad Kennels.’”

One Response to “This is intended to enrage you. (#10 in a series)”

  1. pigpen51 says:

    Enraged I am. In what culture in today’s world it this considered acceptable behavior?
    I have read that you can judge a man’s character by how he treats animals. It is a truism that obviously rings true, and this scum needs to be publicized and receive a huge punishment.