Obit watch: August 29, 2023.

Nicholas Hitchon.

He was one of the children profiled in the original “7 Up” movie and the followup films through “63 Up” in 2019. He worked at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Professor Hitchon pursued research on nuclear fusion, then switched to computational plasma physics. Once in a while, Mr. Apted would ask him about his work.
“When I try to explain,” Professor Hitchon told Physics Today in 2000, “his eyes glaze over.”
He published more than 100 journal articles and three books, the university’s posting said. He retired in 2022.

As best as I can tell, he was only the second member of the group to pass. (Lynn Johnson died in 2013.)

NYT obit for Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher.

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