Obit watch: March 28, 2023.

Things have been quiet on the obit front the past few days. Now watch as someone prominent dies later on today. (I don’t want this to happen, but it seems that whenever I’m thinking things have been quiet, something happens.)

In the meantime, Lawrence sent me a couple of obits a few days ago:

Michael Reaves, writer. He worked on “Batman: The Animated Series”, wrote some “Star Wars” novels, and had a lot of other credits.

Eric Brown, SF author and critic for The Guardian.

Great and good FotB Borepatch lost his beloved dog, Wolfgang. Those of you who are familiar with Borepatch and Wolfgang might want to send condolences his way.

One Response to “Obit watch: March 28, 2023.”

  1. Borepatch says:

    Thank you, Dwight