Administrative notes.

I haven’t forgotten about part two of Day of the .45. I do want to get that up. Unfortunately, the weather on Saturday was bad for photo taking, Sunday was entirely consumed by battleship, and the weather so far this week is also kind of hinky.

This weekend is looking less busy, so if the weather holds up and we get some sunlight, I may be able to take some photos and get a post up.

Also have some more books to post about as well, but that should be an easier process as it does not depend so much on good weather. Possibly Thursday?

And I also have not forgotten that I need to update the City Council/Commissioner’s Court/Congressional Representatives lists. That is, for sure, on the agenda, especially in light of recent events. As I think everyone knows, I try to wait until after January 20th to update those lists, as it takes time for people to get sworn in and websites to get updated. Updating those lists is also part of my evil master plan for this week.

One Response to “Administrative notes.”

  1. pigpen51 says:

    I see where FJB and the Democrats want to get rid of the dangerous 9mm semi auto pistols. So perhaps I will have to go back to the .45 ACP after all.
    Seriously, I saw this when he first said it, and chalked it up to dementia. Then I saw he said it again, but this time, he had some congressional supporters of the Democrat persuasion. I could not really believe that anyone is that uneducated about firearms in general and handguns in particular.
    Just when I start to give people more credit than they deserve, they go and bring me back to reality.