Hoplobibilophilia updates.

I got a little behind in doing these, for reasons. But I’ve been on vacation all last week, and will be on vacation all this week and next, so I’ve got some time to catch up.

John Taffin’s Book of Double-Action Sixguns, Wolfe Publishing, 2022. This is a new book: you can order it directly from Wolfe Publishing here (not an affiliate link) or from Amazon here (affiliate link).

I have not read this yet. From what I can tell looking over the table of contents, it mostly covers centerfire double-action revolvers (thought there is a chapter on the Kit Gun) with approximately equal concentration on Smith and Wesson and Colt. (There’s also some coverage of Ruger, and a little bit on other makers.) I have read many of Taffin’s other books, including the Book of the .44 and the Book of the .45.

I am planning to write a full review of this one: a friend of mine offered me some space on their blog to start doing formal book reviews, so I’m going to use some of my off time to get this one read and reviewed for that site. I’ll post a backlink here when that’s up: I hope sometime in the next week or so, good Lord willing and the creek don’t freeze.

2 Responses to “Hoplobibilophilia updates.”

  1. pigpen51 says:

    I subscribe to both Guns magazine and American Handgunner, and read Taffin quite often. He is both knowledgeable and able to explain things in a way that is easy for someone not experienced in sixguns to understand.
    I look forward to your review.

  2. stainles says:

    I’ll let everyone know when I post it.

    I’ve been reading Taffin forwever, it seems like, and I enjoy his writing. The Wolfe Publishing books are nice looking books, with color photos out the wazoo.

    My big problem with the earlier books is that it felt like they were collections of Taffin’s columns. Which is fine, because I don’t necessarily have a lot of those issues handy. But there’s a tendency for them to repeat the same thing – for example, multiple chapters about guns from USFA that repeat the fact that USFA doesn’t exist any longer.

    I think some of these books could have used another editing pass. I’m hoping this one is different.