Obit watch (the lighter side): December 9, 2022.

A couple of quick obits that I felt were just too un-serious to be included in the previous two obit watches.

“A Very Backstreet Holiday”, the Backstreet Boys holiday special. It was supposed to be on ABC Wednesday night (December 14th) but got canned because of rape accusations against Nick Carter.

Monarch“. I confess: I was sort of vaguely interested in this. A trashy Fox soap opera about a country music dynasty? Sounds like the sort of thing I can sit down in front of and turn off my brain for a while. Plus: Susan Sarandon.

When the rubber met the road, though, I never watched an episode. I also kind of expected it to be cancelled after two episodes, like “Lone Star” or “Viva Laughlin“. (Also, the reviews spoiled the fact that Susan Sarandon dies in the first episode, though she apparently shows up in flashbacks later on.)

I guess if I want country music drama, I’ll have to stick with reading the transcripts of “Cocaine and Rhinestones” episodes, and waiting for a new batch to drop.

At some point in 1978, Jones, DeeDoodle and the Old Man began making lists of the people they wanted to kill.

3 Responses to “Obit watch (the lighter side): December 9, 2022.”

  1. Pigpen51 says:

    I must say, Susan S. is good in most anything she is in. I am usually able to ignore
    an actor’s political point of view, and just watch their work, because my work and my point of view stand by themselves, as well.
    I made metal for her engines, gun parts, and hundreds of other things, and I was among the best in the world at what I did. My political view points were of no effect on my job performance. Same way with actors or others in the entertainment business. I try to see their work separately from their political beliefs.
    I do have a hard time with Jane Fonda, but I know that is not really fair. But it is how I am for now. I will try to forgive her, but it it is hard. Everybody makes bad choices, though. She should get a second chance, like the rest of us.
    As always, my best to you and your family and friemds. And a safe and same week ahead

  2. And the first season of Tale From The Tour Bus.

  3. stainles says:

    Pigpen: agreed, both about Susan S. and Hanoi Jane. I still have a real problem with Ms. Fonda. As for Ms. Sarandon, I guess I don’t hear so much about her political views any longer. Perhaps I’m not paying attention.

    Lawrence: you’re going to talk me into watching that, aren’t you?