Administrative note.

I feel like I shouldn’t need to say this, and that I have to say this.

I do not necessarily agree with all the comments I approve here. However, I will not censor comments except under very limited conditions:

  • Obvious spam.
  • Personal insults directed at other commenters.
  • A court order from a court of competent jurisdiction. (However, to steal a line from Nick Fury: “I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.”)

This is your yearly administrative note. Back on your heads.

2 Responses to “Administrative note.”

  1. pigpen51 says:

    I hope that I never have given you pause, or reason to be concerned that I have been hurtful in any comment to anyone. If I have not only do I apologize, but I certainly expect you to censor me, but to also come down hard as well. Because I would never knowingly want to cause harm to anyone ( unless they deserve it.) Of course, most people never deserve such treatment, and I ignore most slights against me. I do engage with others from time to time, and try and remain respectful. I will continue to engage after the first bad behavior from another, giving a second chance, to try and keep a discussion going in an honest manner. A second attack will often result in my snarky comment and a wish for a happy life, with the thought that our discussion is over, and that I won’t continue again.
    And if I do post a comment that is either too long or too far off topic please feel free to delete it. I know that I get windy at times, and can be tedious to others.
    One last thing, the Detroit Lions won again yesterday. Perhaps they are beginning to turn the corner.

  2. stainles says:

    Nothing to do with you or anything you’ve done or posted, pigpen. Don’t worry about it.