Obit watch: October 7, 2022.

Judy Tenuta. THR.

Charles Fuller, playwright. He won a Pulitzer in 1982 for “A Soldier’s Play” (which was later adapted for film as “A Soldier’s Story”).

Günter Lamprecht, German actor.

Before “Berlin Alexanderplatz,” Mr. Lamprecht appeared in a number of Mr. Fassbinder’s films and television series, starting with the 1973 science fiction epic “The World on a Wire.” Mr. Lamprecht returned for the director’s breakthrough international hit, “The Marriage of Maria Braun,” but it was his herculean performance in “Berlin Alexanderplatz” that won Mr. Lamprecht the greatest praise of his career.

IMDB. For the record, he was in “Das Boot”.

One Response to “Obit watch: October 7, 2022.”

  1. pigpen51 says:

    I note that Judy Tenuta was one of the comedians that used to have slots on shows like Johnny Carson, and I often would catch her on that or other similar shows, when she did a short set. She was always funny, with a unique voice and style. Sorry she is gone.
    As I read your post about the loss of Gunter Lamprecht, I was reminded that often, I watch movies of the style that he might have performed in, on a service called Kanopy. I don’t know if you are familiar with it, or if I have mentioned it, but it is a service of your local library. They must be a member of the service, and they you just have to register via your library card. Then, you can watch up to 10 movies per month, for free.
    The movies that they have includes many that range from modern to old, American to German to Swedish, and any other nationality that you might think of. There are military, dramatic, comedies, sci fi, horror, it really is amazing the movies that they have. Many are foreign film, with subtitles, or sometimes english dubbing. But the thing that they all have in common is that they are almost all high quality pictures.
    It really is worth checking out, if you are able. They have movies like Metropolis, the old, old movie, or things new like Wrong Place, with Bruce Willis, Raging Bull, just hundreds of movies, from everywhere.
    Have a great week, and as always, stay safe, and be well.