Art, damn it, art! watch (#14 in a series).

I’m putting this under the “Art, damn it, art!” watch because I haven’t made up my mind about this one.

Would you pay someone to sharpen your pencil for you? (This is not a metaphor for something else: when I say “sharpen your pencil”, I mean a regular #2 pencil, with graphite and an eraser.)

Would you pay someone $15 to sharpen your pencil for you?

Would you pay someone $15 to sharpen your pencil for you, using a “specially selected” implement that “suits your pencil best”?

Would you pay David “Get Your War On” Rees $15 to sharpen your pencil for you?

My first thought was: this is moronic.

But considering it some more, “artisanal pencil sharpening” could be a subtle and brilliant parody of the whole “artisanal” movement. Artisanal food, artisanal axes; why not “artisanal pencil sharpening”?

2 Responses to “Art, damn it, art! watch (#14 in a series).”

  1. Earl Cooley III says:

    It might be worth $15 if there were some nifty scrimshaw-like carving involved. Better yet might be an embedded second material that reveals a cool changing pattern as the pencil is mundanely sharpened.