“What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 358

Let’s take a coffee break.

“The £299 Aldi Espresso Machine – How Bad Could It Be?”

Oddly enough, I don’t shop at Aldi either, and for the same reason: the nearest one to us is about 30 miles away.

Bonus #1: Since we’ve talked about an espresso machine, how about we talk about a can opener? A very specialized can opener, that is: this one opens powder cans for the 16″ guns on the Battleship New Jersey.

Bonus #2, and a little shout-out to the Saturday Night Movie Group. From the “Old Car Memories” channel, Jim Rockford’s Firebird.

One Response to ““What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 358”

  1. Borepatch says:

    Coffee guy was so annoying I wanted to punch him in the face. He clearly hadn’t learned how to use the machine and spent 16 minutes complaining.

    Informative video: “Set grind setting to X and water to Y for coffee.”

    Uninformative video: “I don’t like this coffee machine.”

    And yes, Aldi has decent wine for cheap. IIRC, the founder of Aldi is brother to the guy who founded Trader Joe’s.