“What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 114

I thought I’d do a little trolling today.

Remember the Tailhook scandal?

Well, we have video of the reunion of the Tailhook Association…

…from 1968. I guess at some point it stopped being a “reunion” and started being a “symposium”. Or maybe it’s always been both a reunion and a symposium. I’m not clear.

There’s some interesting “a wink and a nod” stuff in here: “bold men with a zest for life”, un-orthodox use of “No Step” decals, a reference to supplies of tomato juice in Vegas being seriously depleted (because of aviators consuming Bloody Marys as a hangover cure). Then again, “…single men in barricks don’t grow into plaster saints“.

There’s also some nice vintage video of Vegas in the late 1960s, if that’s your pleasure.

(I kind of wonder how the admiral got his award home. But he was an admiral: that was probably a problem for his subordinates.)

(The Tailhook Association is still active, though the 2020 symposium has been cancelled due to the Wuhan flu.)

Bonus video: these are supposedly home movies of U-2 flight tests at Edwards AFB in 1972.

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