“What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 18

This one goes out to all the high explosives fans out there.

“Demolition: Electric Priming”, an Army training film from the 1950s giving you everything you need to know to prime and detonate explosives with electric blasting caps.

Bonus video #1: This is a little long, but I know there are several people who are going to want to watch this: a 1993 interview with Carlos Hathcock, Marine sniper.

Bonus video #2: for this one, I’m going to send you over to Lawrence. He’s put up a pilot for an unsold 1959 “Nero Wolfe” TV series…with William Shatner as Archie Goodwin. To which I can only say: ain’t that a kick in the head?

4 Responses to ““What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 18”

  1. Do you have Justified on DVD?

  2. stainles says:

    Only the first season, but I’d like to pick up the others.

  3. I would suggest bringing that over to get it in the movie night rotation.

  4. stainles says:

    When I find it, I will. I’m sure it is somewhere in the garage…