Fast and Furious in the mainstream media.

In the fall of 2009, ATF agents installed a secret phone line and hidden cameras in a ceiling panel and wall at Andre Howard’s Lone Wolf gun store. They gave him one basic instruction: Sell guns to every illegal purchaser who walks through the door.

The BATFE assured Mr. Howard they were going to follow the guns into the hands of Mexican cartels. We all know that didn’t happen.

So why am I linking this?

  1. This is the LAT covering the story. “Fast and Furious” is moving into the mainstream.
  2. Interesting detail: “[Jaime] Avila walked away with 52 firearms after he “paid approximately $48,000 cash. The firearms consisted of FN 5.7 pistols, 1 Barrett 50 BMG rifle, AK-47 variant rifles, Ruger 9mm handguns, Colt 38 supers, etc.…” Nobody was watching the hidden cameras at Lone Wolf, so the firearms never got tracked; even though Howard actually faxed the sale paperwork over to BATFE.
  3. Interesting detail #2: “Sometime in spring or early summer 2010 — the exact date is unknown — U.S. immigration officers reportedly stopped Avila at the Arizona border with the two semiautomatics and 30 other weapons. According to two sources close to a congressional investigation into Fast and Furious, the authorities checked with the ATF and were told to release him with the weapons because the ATF was still hoping to track the guns to cartel members.

One Response to “Fast and Furious in the mainstream media.”

  1. […] other fine bloggers were on the case. I didn’t want to just post a chunk of text only to add “what Dwight said” or “what Sebastian […]