Happy BAG Day!

I’d like to wish all of my readers a happy national Buy A Gun Day.

My celebration this year is going to be subdued for the following reasons:

  1. Money.
  2. Most of the interesting gun shops around here are closed on Monday. Generally, in this case, I would push BAG Day out to the weekend before (but I was busy having fun on Saturday), or the weekend after. But…
  3. Every day since at least January 20, 2013 has been “Buy A Gun Day”. Seriously, good luck finding stuff out there.

While I’m on the subject: I spent most of the day Saturday with my nieces and nephews at an elementary school carnival. I won’t name the school to protect their privacy. Suffice it to say that there were a lot of fun things going on: games for the kids, bounce houses, shaved ice trailers, a cakewalk, and even a silent auction.

One of the sponsors of the silent auction? LaRue Tactical. Can you say, “Winning!” I knew you could. (I didn’t get a chance to go into the auction, but the person I was with said they had donated a gift basket of some sort. Also represented was another company, whose name escapes me, that does CHL training.) Of course, this is Texas, where molon labe is a way of life. But I was still impressed.

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