Which would you rather have?

A firetruck? Or a zoo?

I’m on the firetruck side. Along I-35, in the general area of Round Rock, there are two places that appear to have used fire trucks for sale. I haven’t actually checked out either one, because I didn’t know what to look for in a used fire truck and I wasn’t sure I could afford one anyway. So this article delights me. Key points:

  • Used firetrucks can be very cheap. Like almost couch change cheap.
  • “…buy a truck from an active fire department (as opposed to a private owner) because many older private firetrucks have been neglected and no longer have functioning pumps.”
  • Buying a used firetruck is another instance where it is a good idea to buy local. I would not have thought of this, and did not realize this, but: “firetrucks aren’t built to drive highway miles or drive at highway speeds”. This does make sense, but it leaves you with a problem; if you don’t buy local, how do you get it home? (In the author’s case, by truck from Ohio to Montana, and it cost more to transport the truck than he paid for it.)
  • It is worth the time to research local laws.
  • It is also worth the time to think about where you’re going to park your fire truck. Not just at home (will it fit in the garage?) but when you go to the store to get butter and cheese.

I do wonder what an auto liability policy on a used firetruck runs per year, but I’m not going to ask: the author’s blog uses the Gawker comments system, which I refuse to register for.

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