The map is not the territory.

I was going to the destination for Saturday’s Saturday Dining Conspiracy. So, of course, I put the address into the new IOS6 mapping application on my shiny new iPhone 5.

The phone routed me to a shopping center across a major highway and, I’d estimate, about .3 miles from where the restaurant actually was.

Oh, wait. Did I say “IOS6 maps” and “shiny new iPhone 5”? I’m sorry. I meant to say “Google Navigation” and “my two-year-old HTC EVO running Android”.

Point being: Apple’s new Maps may not be up-to-spec, but I’ve personally run into problems with Google Maps/Google Navigation on my phone as well. Apple gets all the attention now, probably because new! shiny! but the claimed perfection of Google does not exist.

(As I said above, I use an HTC Evo on Sprint. Now that I’m off contract, I am considering an iPhone 5, mostly because I’m not totally happy with Android as an environment and as an ecosystem, as well as not very much liking the Sprint add-ons. As I’ve said elsewhere before, I work professionally with Windows and UNIX based operating systems, my main home computers are Macs, and my laptop is a netbook running Ubuntu. I don’t have a dog in the platform wars, and I don’t really give a damn what you use, or what you think of other people who use a different platform.)

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